The 2010 American shad spawning run has commenced in the Lehigh River. The first recorded shad passed through the Easton Dam fishway occurred on April 7 at 12:51:00 PM (Figure 1). Since then, a total of 88 shad have been documented successfully passing the Easton fishway; but passage tapered off to zero by 12 April. This surge through the fishway corresponded with the short lived heat wave where air temperatures made it into the low 80’s for a few days, thus correspondingly a rise in river temperatures followed. Currently, video records of passage have been reviewed through 16 April 11:00 AM, with no passage of shad observed since 12 April. Interestingly, no American shad have been documented to pass the Chain Dam fishway through 17 April 11:53 AM, 2010. A review of first passage times as compared to Easton shows that shad rarely pass through the Chain Dam on the same day (1 out of 13 years or 8 percent of the time) but on average (1996-2009, excluding 2004) pass 15 days later, and in some years it can take up to 37 days (1 out of 13 years or 8 percent of the time). Thus, suggesting that the shad passing the Easton Dam can and do hold in the reach between the two Dams for an indeterminate period of time for reasons unknown at this time, but it does not appear to be density dependent.
A review of American Shad Passage of the Easton and Chain Dams for the 2009 Season Since the mid 1990’s, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) has monitored passage of American shad at the Easton and Chain Dam fishways on the Lehigh River. Both fishways were modified in 2000 and ready for the 2001 run. Enhancements to both fishways were based on PFBC observations and USFWS design updates. Ultimately construction was funded by PA DCNR Parks and included the following: 1) Easton auxiliary flow system was modified to eliminate air entrainment to provide its full complement of additional flow into the entrance chamber of the fishway to create the proper attraction flow for American shad emanating from the fishway, and 2) Chain Dam fishway was modified to reduce air entrainment in and realign the projecting attraction flow emanating from the fishway entrance to bisect the middle of the base pool below the dam. For the 2009 season, passage of shad through these fishways was poor during the monitoring period from 1 April to 26 June, 2009. A minimum of 425 adult American shad passed the Easton fishway; whereas a minimum of 60 adults passed through the Chain Dam (Table 1). These passage numbers represent the third and second lowest passage reported during the post-modification period (2001-2009), at Easton and Chain Dams, respectively. Further, the observed poor passage in 2009 continues a declining trend since 2006; and represents a 91% and 97% decrease of passage relative to 2001 when 4,740 and 2,057 shad passed through the Easton and Chain Dam fishways, respectively. Success of the American shad run passing through the Easton and/or Chain Dam fishways are most likely influenced by multiple factors. The low passage of shad could simply reflect the declining trend in American shad stocks observed along the Atlantic coast. In other words, there are simply fewer shad returning to the Delaware River from ocean stocks. Passage through the Easton Dam is thought to be both temperature and river flow dependent, and perhaps also dependent upon density of shad in the river system. Warming river temperatures provide environmental queues to shad to cease migrating upriver and initiate spawning behaviors. High river flow in particular, has the potential to subsume fishway attraction flows decreasing the probability of shad orientating to the fishway entrance. Passage through the Chain Dam is dependent upon those shad, which pass through the Easton Dam fishway. In 2009, the Chain Dam passed 14.1% (60 of 425 shad) of Easton’s total passage. Shad are known to utilize Riverview Park pool (RM 2.55) located below the Chain Dam (RM 3.0), for spawning. Thus, shad that pass the Easton fishway may not behaviorally desire to attempt passing the Chain Dam fishway. Our vigilant monitoring continues. |
Table 1. Fishes that have been observed (videotaped) migrating through the Lehigh River Easton (RM 0.0) and Chain Dam (RM 3.0) fishways from early spring – summer 2001-2009. 2004 Chain Dam equipment failure. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Figure 1. Pictures of video frames showing passage of the first (A.) and second (B.) recorded American shad in the observation window of the Easton Dam fishway. The first American shad successfully passed 12 April at 12:51 AM and the second American shad passed 23 minutes later at 1:14 PM. Note, due to the time lapse monitoring, only a portion of the first shad’s body was recorded. A white sucker was also recoded passing the Easton fishway at the same time as the second shad. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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